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Essential Home Security Tips For Charleston

May 31, 2021
Vivint home security in Charleston

Even if you consider your residential area “safe”, there are always a few things you can do to improve the security of your home. Ultimately, a break-in might go on in all areas. Thankfully, it only takes a little pre-planning to make your house a more secure place.

Explore and implement these home security tips in Charleston for your peace of mind.

Charleston home security tip #1 upkeep your yard

Prowlers tend to hide in the shadows where a nearby neighbor isn’t able to see. Make sure your outdoor area is well-lit and eliminate potential hiding places. Trim shrubs or trees in front of windows so that you can easily see into the yard. You will have more success spotting possible burglars in Charleston when people can see your windows and doors from the curb.

Take a walk around your perimeter to identify darker areas that could be used to hide. Some places that offer concealment like garages and decks are smart locations to install lighting with motion detectors. Wired or solar lighting options can illuminate a walkway. You might consider using integrated smart lighting in your porch lights, so they will instantly turn on if your security system identifies a problem.

Charleston home security tip #2 keep your doors locked

After a hectic, tiring day, do you always check to make sure doors are locked? Have there been times when you got up from bed and discovered the front door wasn’t locked? Or came back from a nice night out with the garage door completely open?

Simplify your life with automated door locks. You can enable your doors to lock at a scheduled time every day or to self-activate 30 seconds after they're unlocked. Through your mobile security app, you can check your locks' status. Stop leaving the key underneath your welcome mat. Rather, program custom entry codes and receive instant notifications when they are used. You can even get a sensor that updates your smartphone when the garage wasn’t closed.

Charleston home security tip #3 protect against all threats

A burglary is only one type of threat you need to consider. Defend your home against fires, CO leaks, or floods with smart alarms. Chances are you have a run-of-the-mill smoke detector installed already, but fire alarms connected to your home security can help expedite emergency services when there’s a problem. For instance, your monitoring team and can notify the fire department while you concentrate on getting your pets and family out of danger and to a safer location.

Senior woman setting Vivint alarm

Charleston home security tip #4 install a monitored home security system

Upgrading to a security system works in conjunction with other home security tips for Charleston. You can easily manage your detection devices,smart lights, and automated locks through the same mobile security app. You can then pair all your components to each other and have them operate as a cohesive whole.

When an alarm triggers, your monitoring experts will take charge. Your 24/7 response experts will reach out to you to make sure your family is safe, then contact emergency personnel. Keep in mind your residence will be monitored if you’re forced to leave. That's because they are on alert 24 hours a day, seven days a week, all year long.

Charleston home security tip #5 know your neighbors

Remember to tell a neighbor when you leave for vacation and make sure they stop by your home two or three times per week. If anything happens, they can act as primary contact until you return. Swap keys personally or issue a temporary code if you utilize smart key pads. Just be prepared to watch their house as well.

Make your home more secure with a Vivint home security system

Your entry locks, lights and alarms will all be integrated with a Vivint home security system. Call today, and a Vivint security specialist will customize the right home protection plan for your needs. Just call (304) 902-6244 or send in the form below today.